
Communications provides a range of ways to communicate with insurance companies during the estimating and repair process.

Core workflow

Complete an appraisal or repair assignment and send the resulting estimate or supplement to the insurance company.

  1. Receive an assignment.
  2. Create an opportunity.
  3. Merge an assignment with an opportunity.
  4. Create an estimate.
  5. Create a supplement.
  6. Attach photos and other supporting documentation.
  7. Send an estimate, supplement, and attachments.

Other activities

  • Notify insurance that a vehicle is at the shop so the estimator can write the estimate by using the Tasks tab.
  • Request a supplement by using the Requests tab.
  • Share information and view the automatic communications that occur between an insurance company's program and RepairCenter on the Notes tab.
  • Keep insurance and customers informed of a vehicle's repair status by using web status.