Shop Setup – The File Directories Tab

Directory is another name for a folder. Files are organized into folders (directories) so that it's easier to keep track of them. Because you can have folders within a folder, you need to configure the path to the location of a particular set of files.

Use the File Directories tab's four subtabs to configure the path to your estimate (EMS) files, log directories, and other locations RepairCenter needs to access.


Use the Estimatics tab to configure the paths used to import and export estimate files and send opportunities and price parts change (PPC) updates.

ClosedThird Party

Use the Third Party tab to configure the path to the print images of estimates created in third party estimating programs.


Use the Archive tab to configure paths to the Mitchell eClaim and UltraMate (Mitchell Estimating) archives.


Use the Misc tab to configure paths to the system log directory, the accounting log directory, and your shop's logo.

How to